1. Our Products
1.1 Products are subject to availability. If we are unable to supply your chosen item we reserve the right to substitute a product of equivalent value ,quality and colour .
1.2 If we are unable to provide your chosen item or a suitable substitution we will advise you as soon as possible and refund your payment in full within 30 days.
1.3 We may deliver some flowers in bud to increase vase life.
1.4 Wedding packages are priced for best seasonal availability , we will select the flowers for the package , taking into account bridal style & colours.
2. Prices
2.1 Prices listed are valid for a maximum of 14 days after placing your order.
3. Orders / Payment
3.1 In order to fulfill your order we require all necessary fields contained within the order form to be completed with the relevant information. By submitting your order and payment details, you are consenting to be bound by our terms and conditions contained in these Terms and Conditions and appearing anywhere on the site
4. Delivery
4.1 Delivery charges will be applicable within the specified area. If you request delivery to areas outside of Calpe please contact us before placing your order.
4.2 Where incorrect personal and delivery details have been supplied problems or delays in delivery may result, therefore please ensure that you have included the full address details, of the intended recipient and your daytime telephone number or e-mail address so that we can notify you in the event that any delivery problems occur.
4.3 Whilst we will make every effort to ensure that delivery is made on the requested date you acknowledge that in very rare circumstances delivery on the requested terms will not be possible. In this event you will be given prior notice wherever possible and we shall either make alternative arrangements or shall refund your payment in full
5. Cancellation
5.1 Orders may be amended or cancelled up to 12 hours before the intended delivery date.